Money thought of the day... "Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver." ~Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged The key to success in financial matters rests in planning. It all starts by establishing your financial goals. Take the time to contemplate what you want your life to look like. Go beyond "I want to retire" by describing what you will do in retirement. Will you travel? Will you take up new hobbies? Let your imagination run wild. Visualize yourself retired. Ask yourself, "What do I need my money to do for me and when? Envision the "Quality Life" you want to achieve. Let this vision drive your financial goals. To help you drive the financial planning process, check out the Goal Setting Worksheet.
Money should empower, not intimidate. I believe that anyone, once taught, can successfully manage his/her own finances. In this blog I share with you money management techniques and explore timely financial topics.