How "Being Organized" can save you money... Taking a small amount of time up front to get organized can save you time and money. Here are a few simply steps you can take today to keep more money in your pocket. Set up autopilot for your bills - Take advantage of your bank's online bill pay service to automatically send payments for your monthly recurring charges. Set it and forget it! Taking a few minutes to set up auto bill pay will pay off by preventing late charges and finance charges due to missed payments. Take inventory - You can avoid buying duplicate items when you know what you and have and where it is located. Take a quick inventory your pantry, the medicine cabinet, laundry room, and your office before shopping (online or brick-and-mortar). Stock up on consumables - You will always need shampoo, toothpaste, laundry soap, etc. so buy these items that get used up in bulk when on sale. Of course, don't go overboard...
Money should empower, not intimidate. I believe that anyone, once taught, can successfully manage his/her own finances. In this blog I share with you money management techniques and explore timely financial topics.